Evaluating radiocesium retention ability of root-mat horizon using micro-PIXE analysis
A lot of radiocesium had been deposited onto pastures and grasslands following Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident. More radiocesium was accumulated in root-mat horizon than in both above ground plant bodies and mineral soils. In this study, factors causing higher radiocesium concentrations in root-mat horizon were evaluated by the addition of stable cesium solution and particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis. Results suggest that adsorption onto root surfaces played a significant role in Cs accumulation in root-mat horizon. Furthermore, absorption of Cs was key to its long-term preservation. The adsorption of Cs by clay minerals also contributed to its retention. A slow water infiltration rate may also affect the enrichment of radiocesium in root-mat horizon. Based on these results, it is concluded that both biotic and abiotic factors contributed to the effective retention of radiocesium in root-mat horizons following the FDNPP accident.