Measurement of distributions of cesium and rubidium in rice grains using micro-PIXE for detailed examinations of contaminated food
We used micro-PIXE to investigate the distribution of Cs and Rb in rice grains. We succeeded, for the first time, in measuring the elemental distributions in entire rice grains (with dimensions of 6.25 mm × 6.25 mm) at micrometer spatial resolution. We found that Cs and Rb accumulated in the bran and germ of the rice. The distributions of P, K, Rb and Cs were similar within the rice grain. The concentrations of Cs and Rb in the rice were proportional to those in the soil, as well as to the exposure time. The uptake of Rb was significantly larger than that of Cs. Furthermore, the behavior of Rb was similar to that of Cs in the micrometer-scale regions in plants. It follows that the distribution of Rb can be used to investigate the behavior of radioactive Cs in plants.