Non-Universal Gauge Bosons Z′ and Rare Top Decays
We study a new method for detecting non-universal gauge bosons Z′ via considering their effects on rare top decays. We calculate the contributions of the non-universal gauge bosons Z′ predicted by topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) models and flavor-universal TC2 models on the rare top decays t → cV (V = g,γ,Z) and t → clilj (li,lj = τ,μ, or e). We show that the branching ratios of these processes can be significantly enhanced. Over a sizeable region of the parameter space, we have Br(t → cg) ~ 10-5 and Br(t → cττ) ~ 10-7, which may approach the observable threshold of near future experiments. Non-universal gauge bosons Z′ may be detected via the rare top decay processes at the top-quark factories such as the CERN LHC.