The nuclear structure effects on α decay and cluster emission are investigated in the case of even–even rare earth nuclei 150–160Dy, 150–160Er, 150–160Yb, 158,162,166–176Hf, 160,164–178W and 162,166,170–180Os. The role of shape and deformation of parent nuclei in the decay rate is studied by taking the Coulomb and proximity potentials as the interacting barrier for the post scission configuration. The quadrupole deformation of parent nuclei causes a slight change in the half-life of α emissions, but it affects the rate of heavy cluster emissions significantly. Prolate deformation of parents enhances cluster emission, while an oblate deformation slows down the decay. Shape and deformation of parent nuclei causes change in the branching ratio also. A prolate deformation increases the branching ratio, whereas an oblate deformation reduces it. Highest branching ratio is predicted at N ~ 90.