Unparticle in (1+1) dimension with one-loop correction
The possible emergence of unparticle has been mooted recently including a mass-like term for gauge field with the Schwinger model at the classical level. A one-loop correction due to bosonization is taken into account and investigation is carried out to study its effect on the unparticle scenario. It is observed that the physical mass, viz., unparticle scale acquires a new definition, i.e. the effect of this correction enters into the unparticle scale in a significant manner. The fermionic propagator is calculated which also agrees with the new scale. It has also been noticed that a novel restoration of the lost gauge invariance reappears when the ambiguity parameter related to the current anomaly acquires a specific expression. We have also observed that a quantum effect can nullify the effect of violation of gauge symmetry caused by some classical terms.