Study of charged anisotropic spherical collapse in f(đť’˘) gravity
This paper studies the gravitational collapse of charged anisotropic spherical stellar objects in f(𝒢) gravity. For this purpose, we derive dynamical equations by considering Misner–Sharp mechanism and explore physical impact of charge, anisotropy and effective pressure on the rate of collapse. We establish the relationship between matter variables, Weyl tensor and the Gauss–Bonnet (GB) terms. For constant value of f(𝒢), it turns out that conformal flatness condition is no longer valid due to the effect of anisotropic factor in the present scenario. To obtain conformally flat metric, we impose the condition of isotropic matter distribution which provides energy density homogeneity and conformal flatness of the metric. We conclude that GB terms lead to decrease in the collapse rate due to their anti-gravitational effects.