This study employs f(R,T)f(R,T) gravity, where RR is the Ricci scalar, and TT is the trace of energy–momentum tensor, to analyze charged spherically symmetric fluid distributions governed by a polytropic equation of state, thereby exploring the impact of direct coupling between matter fields and the curvature of spacetime on stellar configurations. We present two families of relativistic polytropes for both anisotropic and isotropic matter sources in the presence of electromagnetic field and derive the structural equations (mass conservation and modified Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff equations). The numerical method is utilized to solve structural equations by varying the values of arbitrary parameters and polytropic constants. Using energy constraints, the physical feasibility of polytropes is examined. In addition to this, some other stellar properties such as compactness, redshift and adiabatic index are found to be well-behaved as they fulfill the required criteria. Also, the speed of sound parameter fulfills the stability criterion of the stellar body. For both isotropic and anisotropic stellar configurations, the effects of charge and the curvature-matter coupling parameter are important since they highly affect how compact these structures are.