Lorentz distributed wormhole solutions in f(T) gravity with off-diagonal tetrad under conformal motions
In this work, the possible existence of wormhole solutions have been investigated in the extended teleparallel f(T) theory of gravity by incorporating the Lorentzian source of non-commutative geometry through the conformal motion. The physical concept of conformal symmetry becomes more arguable when it is discussed in the background of non-commutative geometry, especially with the Lorentzian source. In this context, two specific different models of the extended teleparallel theory, that is, f1(T)=η1T+η2T, and f2(T)=η3Tn (where η1, η2, η3 being real constants and n a positive integer) have been studied. The corresponding energy conditions are worked out and are analyzed graphically in the presence of the conformal motion with Lorentzian source. The presence of the exotic matter has been confirmed due to the violation of null energy conditions under some particular conditions, thereby proving the existence of the wormhole geometries in both of the models under investigation. Moreover, the stability of the wormhole geometries via the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov equation has been discussed. It is concluded that these wormhole solutions supported by the non-exotic matter truly exist and are well stable under the extended teleparallel gravity.