Gauss–Bonnet source of Brans–Dicke scalar field and accelerated expansion of universe
In this work, using a different theoretical approach, we study a homogeneous and isotropic cosmological spacetime filled with a perfect fluid. Using the framework of Brans–Dicke (BD) and Gauss–Bonnet (GB) theories and including a scalar potential, we obtain the analytical solution of the field equations and find the field functions and the relevant expansion parameter of the spacetime. We assume that the BD and GB media can interact with each other, and hence that there is an energy transfer between these two components. Using this approach, we assume that the BD scalar field is related to intrinsic properties of the GB medium. We introduced a power-law scalar field and found the appropriate dynamical functions for the different powers p. We found that the expansion rate of spacetime also behaves as a power-law, and the accelerating expansion is always satisfied for this model. We also analyze the stability for physically acceptable critical points for a given scale factor.