In this work, we generalize the constant-roll condition for minimally coupled canonical scalar field inflation. Particularly, we shall assume that the scalar field satisfies the condition ¨ϕ=α(ϕ)V′(ϕ), and we derive the field equations under this assumption. We call the framework extended constant-roll framework. Accordingly, we calculate the inflationary indices and the corresponding observational indices of inflation. In order to demonstrate the inflationary viability, we choose three potentials that are problematic in the context of slow-roll dynamics, namely, chaotic, linear power-law and exponential inflation, and by choosing a simple power-law form for the smooth function α(ϕ), we show that in the extended constant-roll framework, the models are compatible with the latest 2018 Planck constraints on inflation. We also justify appropriately why we called this new framework extended constant-roll framework, and we show that the condition ¨ϕ=α(ϕ)V′(ϕ) is equivalent to the condition ¨ϕ=β(ϕ)H˙ϕ, with the latter condition being a simple generalization of the constant-roll condition. Finally, we examine an interesting physical situation, in which a general extended constant-roll scalar field model is required to satisfy the cosmological tracker condition used in quintessence models. In contrast to the slow-roll and ordinary constant-roll cases, in which case the tracker condition is not compatible with neither the slow-roll or the ordinary constant-roll conditions, the extended constant-roll condition can be compatible with the tracker condition. This feature leads to a new inflationary phenomenological framework, the essential features of which we develop in brief. The main feature of the new theoretical framework is that the function α(ϕ) and the potential V(ϕ) are no longer free to choose, but these are directly functionally related.