Analysis of entropy corrected holographic and new agegraphic dark energy models in generalized Rastall gravity
This work deals with two fluid system in the framework of generalized Rastall gravity theory. One component represents dark energy whereas the other is dark matter. For the dark energy component, entropy corrected holographic and entropy corrected new agegraphic dark energy models in power-law and logarithmic versions are taken into account. For this study, we assume two classes of scale factors in which one corresponds to the future singularity and another corresponds to the initial singularity. For each of the entropy corrected dark energy models, the cosmological parameters such as Hubble parameter, deceleration parameter and equation of state parameter are calculated and their implications are established. Furthermore, to describe the stability analysis of the models, the behaviors of the squared speed of sound are analyzed graphically for each of these models. From the graphical analysis of wD–w′D plane, the thawing or freezing regions of all the models are determined.
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