Cosmological consequences of Rényi, Sharma–Mittal holographic and new agegraphic dark energy models in generalized Rastall gravity
The main motivation of our study is to explore Rényi holographic dark energy, Sharma–Mittal holographic dark energy, Rényi new agegraphic dark energy, and Sharma–Mittal new agegraphic dark energy in the context of generalized Rastall gravity with the two-fluid system, dark energy, and dark matter. In this regard, we have considered the scale factors into two distinct categories, one of which corresponds to the future singularity, whereas the other represents initial singularity. By employing future event horizon as infrared (IR)-cutoff, different cosmological quantities like deceleration parameter, equation of state (EoS) parameter are evaluated, and their ramifications have been described graphically. Analyzing the squared speed of sound, we have seen classically stable and unstable behavior for each of the considered models. Finally, we study ωDωD–ω′D plane and find the thawing/freezing regions.