Derived equivalence and homological projective duality in GLSM
Brane transport provides a way to realize functors between the categories of B-branes of different phases in gauged linear sigma model (GLSM). When appropriately designed, these functors induce derived equivalence between Calabi–Yau manifolds. In some cases, brane transport can also be used to extract the homological projective dual (HPD) of certain projective embeddings. We describe the GLSMs realizing derived equivalence between different geometries via brane transport with emphasis on the nonabelian models, and how to construct the GLSMs where brane transport gives rise to the embedding of HPD category into the derived category of universal hyperplane section. The latter gives rise to an explanation of the relationship between GLSM and HPD, and also a noncommutative geometric interpretation to HPD.
1. Introduction
The gauged linear sigma model (GLSM) with 𝒩=(2,2) supersymmetry has been a thriving research area that spawned many topics in both physics and mathematics. The boundary conditions of GLSMs that preserve a particular subset of the supersymmetries, known as B-branes, form a category, which is an important tool in analyzing the GLSMs. The objects of this category are matrix factorizations of the superpotential. The Kähler moduli space of a GLSM can be divided into several phases. If the low-energy behavior of a phase can be described by a nonlinear sigma model (NLSM) with target space X, then the B-brane category projects onto Db(X), the derived category of X, upon imposing the empty brane relations corresponding to that phase.1,2,3 On the other hand, if the low-energy behavior of a phase is described by a Landau–Ginzburg (LG) model, then the low-energy image of a GLSM brane in that phase is a matrix factorization of the LG model. Different phases have different sets of empty brane relations in general.
Brane transport provides a functor between the B-brane categories of different phases of a GLSM.1,4,5 In certain cases, this functor gives rise to an equivalence between the categories of B-branes. In particular, if two phases are described by two NLSMs with different target space X+ and X− and the functor induced by the brane transport is an equivalence, then we get a derived equivalence between X+ and X−, i.e. Db(X+)≅Db(X−). Therefore, GLSMs have been used to study a quite large class of manifolds and their derived equivalence. In Sec. 3, we review the derived equivalence realized by the two-parameter GLSMs studied in Ref. 7, most of which are nonabelian theories. To implement the brane transport, the small window categories for anomalous U(2) theories were studied in Ref. 7, extending previous results on window categories.
In certain other cases, brane transport provides an embedding of the category of B-branes of the Higgs branch of one phase into that of another. In particular, given a GLSM 𝒯X realizing a projective variety X in one of its phases, it is possible to construct an extended GLSM 𝒯𝒳 realizing the homological projective dual6 category 𝒞 to Db(X) as the category of B-branes of the Higgs branch in one of its phases. In most of the cases, the models 𝒯X and 𝒯𝒳 are anomalous and the analysis of their Coulomb and mixed Coulomb/Higgs branches gives information on the semiorthogonal/Lefschetz decompositions of 𝒞 and Db(X). It is also possible to take a linear subspace and construct the models 𝒯XL and 𝒯𝒳L that correspond to homological projective duality of linear sections XL of X. This explains why, in many cases, two phases of a GLSM are related by homological projective duality (HPD). In Sec. 4, we review the GLSM construction for HPD studied in Refs. 8 and 9, including some of the examples therein. The homological projective dual category constructed by this method is described by the category of B-branes (matrix factorizations) of a hybrid model.
In this paper, we focus on GLSMs with two Kähler parameters. Each GLSM under consideration contains a geometric phase, which only has a pure Higgs branch. Then, the category of B-branes of the Higgs branch of another phase can be embedded in the category of B-branes (derived category) of the geometric phase via brane transport. In the study of derived equivalence, the categories of B-branes of the Higgs branch of two phases can be identified with the same subcategory of the derived category of the geometric phase, thus fulfilling a derived equivalence. In the study of HPD, the category of B-branes of the Higgs branch of a LG phase can be identified with the subcategory of the derived category of the geometric phase, which is exactly the homological projective dual category.
The organization of this paper is as follows. In Sec. 2, we briefly review the basics of brane transport and window category. In Sec. 3, we present the idea of using GLSM to construct derived equivalence between different geometries. Section 4 is devoted to discussing the relationship between GLSM and homological projective duality.
2. Review of Brane Transport and Window Category
For a GLSM with gauge group G, matter fields in the representation ρm:G→GL(V) and superpotential W, a B-brane is described by a pair of objects (ℬ,Lt) with ℬ=(M,ρM,RM,T), where
M is the Chan–Paton vector space, which is a ℤ2-graded, finite-dimensional free Sym(V∨) module denoted by M=M0⊕M1.
ρM and RM are even representations of the gauge and the (vector) R-charge representations, respectively.
T is a matrix factorization of W, a ℤ2-odd endomorphism T∈End1Sym(V∨)(M) satisfying T2=W⋅idM.
They must satisfy the compatibility conditions: for all λ∈U(1)V (the vector R-symmetry) and g∈G
Brane transport means moving some B-brane of a GLSM smoothly along a path on the Kähler moduli space from one phase to another. There are certain constraints on brane transport. The situation depends on whether the Fayet–Iliopoulos (FI) parameter is renormalized under the RG flow along the direction of the brane transport. In the Calabi–Yau (CY) case (also known as the nonanomalous case, meaning that the axial U(1) R-symmetry is anomaly free), in which the FI parameter is marginal, there are a number of singular points on the Kähler moduli space (parametrized by the FI parameters) between the two phases, so the path along which the brane is transported must avoid these singularities. Given such a path, only the branes satisfying the grade restriction rule (GRR) can be smoothly transported from one phase to the other. The branes satisfying the GRR constitute a subcategory of the category of matrix factorizations of the GLSM, which is called the window category.1
In the non-CY case (also known as the anomalous case, meaning that the axial U(1) R-symmetry has anomaly), there are no singularities in the middle, but in order to determine the low energy image of a B-brane, one has to find an IR equivalent brane that is in the big window category, namely, the category of branes satisfying the GRR. The low energy physics typically include a Higgs branch and some Coulomb/mixed branches, therefore, the low energy limit of a GLSM matrix factorization generally has components on both Higgs and Coulomb/mixed branches. The small window category is a subcategory of the big window category, the objects in the small window category only have components on the Higgs branch in the low energy limit.5 The GRRs depend on the choice of the theta-angle, and a shift of the theta-angle by certain amount results in a different but equivalent window category.
For a U(1) theory, the small window 𝕎− and the big window 𝕎+ are defined by the following constraints :
The GRRs in both CY and non-CY cases have been studied and determined for abelian GLSMs.1 However, the GRRs for nonabelian GLSMs are not well understood. At this stage, there is not a general result and one has to resort to a case-by-case study. There are a few nonabelian examples where the GRR can be deduced (see, for example, Refs. 4 and 10).
3. Derived Equivalence via Brane Transport in U(1)×U(2) Models
We study the derived equivalence between two manifolds, X+ and X−, by realizing them as the Higgs branches in different phases of a two-parameter nonabelian GLSM7 (the GLSM has two independent FI parameters) whose pure geometric phase realizes another manifold ˆX.b In the examples we are going to consider, ˆX will be either Fano or CY. Other than the pure geometric phase, there are also two other phases consisting of the Higgs branches X± and mixed branches 𝒞±. The derived equivalence between X+ and X− is implemented by the brane transport along a path across the phases of this GLSM. One necessary condition for X+ and X− to be derived equivalent is that their Euler characteristics should be equal to each other, namely, χ(X+)=χ(X−). This condition implies nontrivial conditions on X+ and X−, and also on ˆX.
In order to implement the brane transport, we need to know the window categories of the local models at the phase boundaries, which can be either anomalous or nonanomalous. Some of these local models are U(1) gauge theories, and the previous results from Refs. 1 and 5 can be directly used. Some of these local models are U(2) gauge theories with fundamental and determinantal representations. So, before studying the B-branes in the U(1)×U(2) theories, we first discuss the window categories of the anomalous U(2) theories in Subsec. 3.1 following Ref. 7.
3.1. Small window of U(2) theories
For our purpose, let us consider a U(2) gauge theory with n fundamental fields, Xi, i=1,…,n, and one field P in the determinantal representation, det−m, with m≤n, as summarized below

According to the D-term equations, the region ξ≫0 is a phase described by a total space of m-fold determinantal bundle over Gr(2,n), i.e.
Another region, where ξ≪0, consists of a Higgs branch and some Coulomb vacua. The Higgs branch in this region is conjectured to be described by an orbifold of the affine cone of the image of the Grassmannian under Plücker embedding,11 further evidence for the validity of this conjecture was provided in Refs. 7 and 12, where a one-to-one correspondence between the window category of the GLSM and the derived category of the affine cone was provided.
The window category of the theory with m=n=4 was studied in Ref. 12 by investigating the condition on the convergence of the disk partition function. It was shown that the window category is generated by the GLSM branesc

Numerical analysis of the partition function generalizes the result to the cases with 0<m≤n=3 and 0<m<n=4,7 the results with an appropriate choice of the theta-angle are given as the following:
where 𝕎− is the small window category.
3.2. Examples with gauge group U(2)×U(1)
Let’s look at two examples of GLSMs with U(1)×U(2) gauge group, from which derived equivalences emerge. In each example, the functor realizing the equivalence can be implemented by brane transport. The difference is that, in the first example the local models at the phase boundaries are nonanomalous, while the local models at the phase boundaries of the second example are anomalous. Therefore, as reviewed in Sec. 2, the procedures of the brane transport in the two examples are different.
3.2.1. Product of a projective space and a Grassmannian
The GLSM for the product of a projective space and a Grassmannian has the gauge group U(1)×U(2) and the following matter content :

Clearly, in the ξ1≫0,ξ2≫0 region, there is only a pure Higgs branch with target space
If either ξ1≪0 or ξ2≪0, the P field gets a nonzero vev due to the D-term equations and breaks the U(1)×detU(2) gauge group to a subgroup U(1)s×ℤgcd(m,n) with the FI parameter of U(1)s given by ξs:=n′ξ1−m′ξ2, where m′=m/gcd(m,n),n′=n/gcd(m,n). The Higgs branch in the region ξs≪0,ξ1≪0 is an NLSM with target spaced
The Higgs branch in the region ξs≫0,ξ2≪0 is an NLSM with target space is an orbifold of the fiber bundle over ℙM−1 with each fiber being the affine cone of Gr(2,N). Let us call this fiber bundle 𝒳(2,N), thus the target space in this phase is
The local model at the phase boundary of {ξ1=0,ξ2≫0} is a U(1) gauge theory with the following matter content. Therefore, the window category at the phase boundary {ξ1=0,ξ2≫0} can be chosen to be generated by branes of the form 𝒲(q1,λ), where q1∈{0,1,…,m−1} and λ is any U(2) representation.
The local model at the phase boundary of {ξ2=0,ξ1≫0} is the U(2) gauge theory with the following matter content :

In the case of N=4, the CY condition for X± requires that n=N=4 and m=M. In this case, ˆX is also CY, and we have the derived equivalence
For any brane B+ in Db(X+), lift it to a GLSM brane 𝒲+ such that it is in the window category of the local model at the phase boundary {ξ1=0,ξ2≫0}, so it can be smoothly transported to the phase of ˆX.
Once in the phase of ˆX, we can read off its image in Db(ˆX).
Use empty branes to grade restrict 𝒲+ and obtain an IR equivalent brane 𝒲−, which is in the window category of the local model (13).
𝒲− can be smoothly transported to the phase of X−, where its image in Db(X−) can be determined.
Some concrete implementations of the above procedure can be found in Ref. 7.
3.2.2. Derived equivalence between CY fivefolds
Consider ˆX as the total space of a fiber bundle over the two-step symplectic flag manifold SF(1,2,N). When N=4, this becomes the example studied in Ref. 13, which has
The GLSM for ˆX is a U(1)×U(2) gauge theory with chiral matters Φα, Xαi, Qαβ and Pαβ with α=1,2 and i=1,2,3,4. These fields transform under the gauge group action as follows :

Phase I: ξ1≫0 and ξ2≫0. In the phase ξ1,ξ2≫0, the solutions to the D-term and F-term equations tell us that the vevs of Φα and Xαi constitute the symplectic flag manifold SF(1,2,4) (the F-term equations derived from (16) imposes the symplectic condition and force the Q field to vanish), which is the base for ˆX, while Pαβ contributes the fibers of ˆX.
Phase II: ξ1≪0 and ξ2≫0. The U(2) D-term equation tells that Xαi is nondegenerate, so they become homogeneous coordinates of Gr(2,4) at low energy scale. The F-term equations impose the symplectic condition and force Q to vanish. The U(1) invariant field PΦα is in the U(2) representation ˉ□⊗∧2ˉ□, which become the coordinates along the fiber. Therefore, the vacuum manifold in this phase is given by (14).
Phase III: ξ1≫0, ξ2≪0 and ξ1+2ξ2≫0. If we take the trace of the second equation of (17), we get ∑α,i|Xαi|2−∑α|Φα|2−2(|P|2+|Q|2)=2ξ2. Adding the first equation of (17) to the equation above, we get ∑α,i|Xαi|2−3|P|2−2|Q|2=ξ1+2ξ2, therefore, Xαi cannot vanish simultaneously in this phase. Consequently, the F-term equations force the Q field to vanish. Define the SU(2) invariant fields Zi=ΦαXαi and Bij=ϵαβXαiXβj, then the remaining degrees of freedom can be summarized as

The local model at the phase boundary of {ξ1=0,ξ2≫0} is the U(1) gauge theory with the following matter content :

The local model at the phase boundary of {ξ2=0,ξ1≫0} is the U(2) gauge theory with the following matter content :

Now, we can compute the functor for the equivalence of Db(X+) and Db(X−). Let π± be the projection of the vector bundle X± onto the corresponding base space. We choose the generators of Db(X+) to be π∗+𝒪SGr(2,4), π∗+𝒮∨SGr(2,4), π∗+∧2𝒮∨SGr(2,4) and π∗+(∧2𝒮∨SGr(2,4))⊗2. Since now we have a superpotential W=QΩ(X1,X2), the lift of an IR brane is a matrix factorization of W.
π∗+𝒪SGr(2,4) can be lifted to the matrix factorization

Similarly, π∗+∧2𝒮∨SGr(2,4) can be transported to give the image π∗−𝒪ℙ3(−1), and the image of π∗+(∧2𝒮∨SGr(2,4))⊗2 is π∗−𝒪ℙ3(−2).
For π∗+𝒮∨SGr(2,4), we can use the IR empty brane given by the exact sequence

4. GLSM construction for Homological Projective Duality
In this section, we describe the GLSM construction8,9 for HPD. We will see that the HPD category will appear as the Higgs branch in one of the phases of the two-parameter GLSM for the universal hyperplane section associated with a projective embedding. This can be shown by brane transport. First, let’s briefly review some basic facts about HPD.
4.1. Review of homological projective duality
Definition 1 (Ref. 6). A (right) Lefschetz decomposition of Db(X) with respect to the line bundle ℒ on X corresponds to a semiorthogonal decomposition14
The Lefschetz decomposition is completely determined by its center 𝒜0 and ℒ via the relation
Definition 2 (Ref. 6). is called the HPD category of X. In other words, is the right orthogonal of .
If we have an algebraic variety Z with a morphism such that there is an equivalence , we call Z the HPD to with respect to the Lefschetz decomposition (22). A very important property of , that will be used for consistency checks is the following: given the embedding map , we have
4.2. GLSM for HPD
In this section, we describe how to construct a GLSM realizing the HPD for a projective embedding. Assume the projective embedding can be realized by a GLSM , where G is the gauge group, is a representation of G on V (space of the matter fields), and W is the superpotential. It has a large volume point in the Kähler moduli space where we can identify a geometric phase whose category of B-branes at low energies is equivalent to . In order for the map f to be well defined in all of X it must be base point free, i.e. . Since there is a G-action on S, one can see that there exists a map induced by the G-equivariant line bundle over V for any , and hence there exists a character of G such that
We construct the following extended GLSM :
Consider now the phase . Then, we have the following correspondence of B-brane categories :

Fig. 1. Higgs branches of the GLSM .
The theory has a geometric phase realizing the universal hyperplane section and a LG phase realizing the HPD category (assuming that the Lefschetz decomposition is nontrivial). When is empty, , otherwise is a subcategory of . Only Higgs branches are shown in this figure. The dashed arrow shows the direction of RG flow.
4.3. Examples of GLSM realization of HPD
In this section, we present three examples of GLSM realization of HPD, namely, Veronese embedding, quadrics in projective spaces and Plücker embedding. Some of the cases were studied in the mathematical literature, our result agrees with what was found and proved in these cases (e.g. Veronese embedding and quadrics with odd dimension). Our GLSM construction gives rise to predictions in the other cases. The three examples differ in the degree of the embedding and the rank of the gauge group.
4.3.1. Veronese embedding
The degree-d Veronese embedding can be realized by abelian GLSM as discussed in Ref. 19. Upon integrating out the massive fields, this theory is equivalent to the GLSM describing , namely, matter fields with charge 1 under the gauge symmetry, where . Since , our discussion in Subsec. 4.2 shows that the GLSM describing the universal hyperplane section and HPD has gauge group with matter content

(i) | : The Higgs branch is the universal hyperplane section of the Veronese embedding, i.e. the universal degree-d hypersurface | ||||
(ii) | : The Higgs branch is the LG model on (41) (42) | ||||
(iii) | : There is no Higgs branch. |
To determine which phase of the GLSM (40) describes the HPD, let’s consider the local model at the boundary between phases (i) and (ii). It is a GLSM with matter content

By taking linear sections of the dual projective space, i.e. a linear subspace L of and going to the strong coupling limit of , one can recover many of the examples previously studied in the literature.21
4.3.2. Quadrics
A quadric X in defined by can be realized by the positive phase of a GLSM with matter content and charges

From our proposal in Subsec. 4.2, for a quadric in defined by the zero locus of a quadratic polynomial G, the model describing the HPD associated with Lefschetz decomposition (47) is a GLSM with matter content

Further analysis in Ref. 8 shows that the target space of the low energy theory for HPD is a -orbifold of the double cover of branched over the dual quadric . When n is even, acts trivially. When n is odd, the action exchanges the two sheets of the covering space so the dual quadric is the fixed locus.
4.3.3. Plücker embedding
The Grassmannian with can be implemented by the geometric phase of a nonabelian GLSM with gauge group and N chiral fields in the fundamental representation. From our general construction, the HPD of the Plücker embedding can be described by a nonabelian GLSM with gauge group and the following matter content :

When , the P field receives a vev , breaking the gauge symmetry to . Thus, we get a family of gauge theories fibered over , each has N fundamentals and a superpotential
The twisting bundle , which is the pull-back of under the Plücker embedding is where is the tautological bundle over . For , the number of Coulomb vacua suggests that the associated Lefschetz decomposition is Kapranov’s collection, namely
Again, we can take a linear section, for example, a seven-dimensional subspace of . Then, the is the CY threefold and the HPD is the intersection in , which recovers the result of Ref. 16.
4.4. Noncommutative geometric interpretation
The GLSM construction of Subsec. 4.2 describes the HPDs as hybrid models. Due to the relationship between LG models and categories, it is possible to give these hybrid models a noncommutative geometric interpretation.
These hybrid models, with target space can be viewed as (orbifold of) LG models over affine charts of B in the cases that B is smooth, or if it has the structure of a global orbifold. This gives rise to the global structure of a noncommutative resolution or more generally, the B-brane category becomes the derived category of sheaves of -modules for some sheaf of -algebras .
For example, for a LG model with quadratic superpotential , it was shown in Ref. 22 that the category of B-branes (matrix factorizations) is equivalent to the derived category of finite-dimensional Clifford modules, where the Clifford algebra is defined by the Hessian of the superpotential . In addition, if a orbifold is present that leaves invariant, then the category of B-branes of this LG orbifold is equivalent to the derived category of finite-dimensional modules of the even subalgebra of the corresponding Clifford algebra. Consequently, the category of matrix factorizations of a -orbifold hybrid model with superpotential quadratic along the fiber coordinates is equivalent to the derived category of the sheaf of modules of the sheaf of even parts of a Clifford algebra over the base B. This is the case of the HPD category of the degree-2 Veronese embedding .20 Thus, the hybrid model orbifold can be viewed as a noncommutative resolution of B.
The idea was generalized and an explicit correspondence between hybrid models and noncommutative spaces was constructed in Ref. 9. Consider first the case where B can be described locally by affine charts and Y is a global orbifold such that the orbifold group G acts trivially on B. Then, at a generic point in the base of the hybrid model, we can model its dynamics by a LG orbifold. Denote the category of B-branes of this LG orbifold as , where G is the orbifold group. We first studied the -algebra associated with the endomorphism algebra of a -brane of the LG model. The algebra takes the form of an algebra with a finite number of generators (as an algebra) that satisfy the products relations18
The more general case, for example, when G acts on B, or more precisely, when B has orbifold singularities and/or it cannot be written as a global orbifold still has a similar structure. In such a case we have that is equivalent to the derived category of -modules for some sheaf of -algebras , defined over the algebraic stack Y.
These results can be used to study HPD of several spaces. As shown in Subsec. 4.2, the GLSM construction realizes the HPDs as hybrid orbifold models, which can be identified with noncommutative resolutions, or derived categories of sheaves of -modules, as the equivalence suggests. Therefore, given a projective embedding engineered by a GLSM, the hybrid model describing the HPD can be read off following Subsec. 4.2. One can then use the correspondence discussed in this section to give a noncommutative geometric description of the HPD. This idea was applied to Veronese embedding, Fano hypersurfaces and complete intersections in Ref. 9.
The author would like to thank Z. Chen, B. Lin, M. Romo, L. Smith, H. Zou for collaborations and the organizers of the workshop “GLSM@30” held at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.
Jirui Guo
a Here and in the following, stands for the category of matrix factorizations of the LG model with target space Y and superpotential W.
b If the GLSM is anomalous, we should first take the gauge-decoupling limit and then consider the IR limit to see this phase. See more discussions on these two limits in Sec. 2 of Ref. 5.
c Here and in the following, the Young diagram with a boxes in the first row and b boxes in the second row are used to denote the representation with highest weight . The empty diagram denotes the trivial representation.
d In fact, should be interpreted as the pullback of the orbibundle on under the Plücker embedding and here we abuse the notation to avoid clumsy symbols.
e Here, we take the transport to be going from the phase of to the phase of , for example, the transport in the other direction follows the same procedure in the reverse order.
f The extra factor is due to the charge carried by P.
g Even though we assume the large volume phase is weakly coupled, our arguments should carry on for cases where the NLSM on X is realized nonperturbatively such as in Ref. 16.
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