Human migration patterns in China with the resume data
Researches on the human mobility have made great progress in many aspects, but the long-term and long-distance migration behavior is lack of in-depth and extensive research because of the difficulty in accessing to household data. In this paper, we use the resume data to discover the human migration behavior on the large-scale scope. It is found that the asymmetry in the flow structure which reflects the influence of population competition is caused by the difference of attractiveness among cities. This flow structure can be approximately described by the gravity model of spatial economics. Besides, the value of scaling exponent of distance function in the gravity model is less than the value of short-term travel behavior. It means that, compared with the short-term travel behavior, the long-term human migration behavior is less sensitive. Moreover, the scaling coefficients of each variable in the gravity model are investigated. The result shows that the economic level is the main factor of migration.