Physical and mathematical investigation of natural convection and Fourier flux on the flow of energy and diffusion transmission of a body of cone and a cylinder revolution
The thermal radiation and Fourier flux have drawn the attention of scientists and experts due to their extensive applications in the fields of medicine, manufacturing modern airplanes, water distillation, more efficient electronic devices, more efficient batteries, radiating treatment, and the textile industry. Through careful consideration of this, the mathematical investigation of natural convection and Fourier flux on the flow of energy and diffusion transmission of a body of cone and cylinder revolution, located in a saturated medium, has been described for the dual situations (flow over a cone and a cylinder). After then, the Runge–Kutta technique was used to explain the leading mechanism. Possessions of governing physical measures of local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers as well as velocity, thermal and diffusion figures are provided with support of tables and diagrams. It is motivating to declare that mass transfer rate is advanced in cone kind of revolution matched to cylinder kind of revolution with rising NR,Nt,QS. Also, the heat transmission rate is upper in cylinder revolution equated to cone revolution.