A CPC fractional model of the heat and mass transport mechanism in Carbon nanotubes with slip effects on velocity
A fractional technique is used to evaluate the temperature, mass, and velocity flow of single and double wall CNTs over a vertical plate. Slip boundary conditions and applied magnetic force are addressed. Human blood is used to examine how base fluid behaves. Applying the proper dimensionless variables results in the dimensionless formulation of initial and boundary conditions related to the governed dimensional concentration, momentum, and energy equations. The Laplace transform technique is used to resolve the dimensionless governing partial differential equations and get the solutions. The constant proportional Caputo (CPC) time-fractional derivative is a unique class of fractional model used in the simulation technique. The fundamental definitions are used to support the said model first. Using MWCNTs and SWCNTs in comparison to the flow characteristics, a thermal and mass study is given. The heat and mass transfer processes for single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) have been shown to typically be progressive. The momentum profile decreases as the fractional variables rise. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) show more progressive velocity control as a result of the magnetic parameter. Graphs demonstrate the influence of embedding factors on the velocity, energy, and concentration profiles.