Most recently, Baber et al. (Optical solitons for 2D-NLSE in multimode fiber with Kerr nonlinearity and its modulation instability, Mod. Phys. Lett. B (2024) 2450341, doi:10.1142/S021798492450341X2450341-1) claimed to have obtained exact solutions of a two-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation with an instantaneous Kerr nonlinearity that governs beam movement within a multimode optical fiber featuring a parabolic index shape, using the Jacobi Elliptic Function Expansion. Additionally, they have analyzed the modulation instability for the underlying model. It is the aim of this comment to point out that all results found in that work and published in the journal Mod. Phys. Lett. B (doi:10.1142/S021798492450341X2450341-1) are all erroneous, from the exact solutions of the considered equation to the modulation instability of the underlying model.