The (1+1)-dimensional fractional coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations (FCNLSEs) are investigated in this work. This model is important as it involves applications in allowing soliton wavelength division multiplexing and pulse propagation in two-mode optical fibers. This means it is important for the study of the dynamics of solitons in dispersive, inhomogeneous, nonlinear media, and, therefore, it is a tool of prime value for the development of advanced optical communication technologies. Beta space-time fractional derivative, which is important in dielectric polarization and electromagnetic systems, is used to evaluate the FCNLSE. We capitalize a modified version of the Sardar sub-equation method for the purpose of getting different soliton solutions. Solutions take the form of optical solitons, including dark, bright, periodic, peakons, compactons, and kink soliton solutions, formulated using exponential, trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions. To make our understanding of the physical meaning of these solutions richer, we apply advanced plotting techniques, examples of which are the three-dimensional (3D), two-dimensional (2D), contour, and density plots. Such plots provide a colorful overview of the dynamic behavior of the solutions obtained. The solutions do not only pinpoint the fact that the result is an effective and accurate method application, but they also set a high standard in further probing meaning in the numerous physical phenomena. These new solutions go beyond earlier studies in the literature by incorporating beta derivatives as a modeling tool for FCNLSE. The methodology applied here functions seamlessly and can be extended to address numerous advanced models in contemporary areas of science and engineering. The anticipated usefulness of the derived solutions in various scientific domains, particularly optics, is expected to make a valuable contribution to the fiber communication system in future research endeavors.