A Topology of Step-Down Resonant Switched-Capacitor-Based AC–DC Converter for High-Frequency AC Distribution
This paper proposes a switched-capacitor (SC)-based step-down AC–DC power converter with high-frequency feed without rectifier or transformer. The operational principle of the circuits and the design considerations are described. The main advantage of the circuit is that step-down voltage can be achieved in the circuit by simply configuring with cascaded stages, which will be much more convenient to be modular development and easy for replacement and maintenance; the voltage and current stresses of most components are smaller than the conventional converter. Using buffer capacitor to reserve energy, there are no magnetic energy storage elements in the circuits. Weight and size can be further reduced due to high-frequency-power line operation. Zero current switching (ZCS) is achieved by introducing small resonant inductors. Therefore, higher efficiency and power density can be achieved. The performance of the converter has been demonstrated by an experiment with 50 kHz 50 V power feed which is emulated by a signal generator and high-frequency amplifier to prove the concept.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Piero Malcovati.