Current-Mode Network Structures Dedicated for Simulation of Dynamical Systems with Plane Continuum of Equilibrium
This review paper describes different lumped circuitry realizations of the chaotic dynamical systems having equilibrium degeneration into a plane object with topological dimension of the equilibrium structure equals one. This property has limited amount (but still increasing, especially recently) of third-order autonomous deterministic dynamical systems. Mathematical models are generalized into classes to design analog networks as universal as possible, capable of modeling the rich scale of associated dynamics including the so-called chaos. Reference state trajectories for the chaotic attractors are generated via numerical analysis. Since used active devices can be precisely approximated by using third-level frequency dependent model, it is believed that computer simulations are close enough to capture real behavior. These simulations are included to demonstrate the existence of chaotic motion.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Piero Malcovati.