A Variation-Aware Robust Gated Flip-Flop for Power-Constrained FSM Application
Advancement in technology towards mobile computing and communication demands longer battery life, which mandates the low power design methodologies. In this paper, we have presented a novel low-power 8T flip-flop (FF) architecture, which has outsmarted the existing well-known dynamic, semi-dynamic and explicit pulsed flip-flops in terms of power and delay. The major ingredient of this architecture is a voltage keeper, which is incorporated to achieve reliable logic switching at the propagating nodes of the design. However, we have also come up with two new approaches of gated clock generation based on transmission gate (TG) and pass transistor logic (PTL) as a modification of LECTOR-based gating. These gating logics have proved themselves to be competent enough to reduce both the static and dynamic power dissipations and hence are employed to the proposed flip-flop to achieve further reduction in power than its nongated correspondent. The performance of this proposed gated flip-flop is tested in a finite state machine with its application in low-power serial adder design. All the simulations are carried out using 65-nm and 90-nm CMOS technologies with a power supply of 1.1V at 6.6GHz clock frequency. The gated FF saves 52.12%, 6.36% and 28.18% average power-using LECTOR, TG and PTLs, respectively, with respect to its nongated counterpart in 65-nm technology. The performance metrics of gated and nongated proposed designs are affirmed in the environment of commercialized CMOS foundry.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Piero Malcovati.