Chaotic Oscillator Based on Fractional Order Memcapacitor
Many literatures have discussed fractional order memristor and memcapacitor-based chaotic oscillators but the entire oscillator model is considered to be of fractional order. My interest is to propose a nonlinear oscillator with considering only the memcapacitor element of fractional order. Hence, I propose a fractional order memcapacitor (FMC)-based novel chaotic oscillator. The complete mathematical model for the proposed oscillator is derived and presented in this paper. The dimensionless state equations are then analyzed by using the equilibrium points and their stability, Eigen values, Kaplan–Yorke dimensions and Lyapunov exponents. To understand the complete dynamical behavior, bifurcation graphs are obtained and presented. Finally, the proposed fractional memcapacitor oscillator is implemented by using the shelf components.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Emre Salman.