Design of a Ku-band MMIC LNA with a Simple T-type Input Matching Network
In this paper, the design of a wideband monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) low-noise amplifier (LNA) fabricated in 0.13-μm GaAs pHEMT process is presented. A simple T-type input matching network (IMN) and a source feedback structure are employed to achieve low noise figure (NF). The MMIC LNA, which operates across 12–18GHz, can be used for satellite applications. Experimental results show an NF around 1.5dB in 12–17.5GHz and a minimum NF of 1.21dB at 16.5GHz. In addition, a flat small-signal gain of 22±0.5dB is achieved at 13.5–17.5GHz. The input return loss is lower than −10 dB at 12–14.5GHz and the output return loss is lower than −10 dB at 12–17GHz. The power consumed is lower than 0.3W and the P1dB (1-dB compression point) output power is around 13dBm.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Piero Malcovati.