Design of Lagrangian-Based FOPID Controller for Desired Closed Loop System
In this paper, Lagrangian-based method has been proposed for tuning the parameters of fractional order PIαDβ controller. In this method, the five parameters (Kp, Ki, Kd, α and β) of fractional order PIαDβ controller (FOPID) are suitably optimized, and successfully applied to a benchmark stable second-order feedback system. To prove the performance of the proposed method, several state-of-the-art approaches were compared. The computational complexity, robustness and stability analysis has been performed to investigate the performance of all these algorithms. Moreover, the precision and flexibility analysis among all these approaches has also been carried out in this paper. The closed loop response of the second-order bench mark stable plant in Simulink has also been depicted in this paper.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Tongquan Wei.