A Multi-Feature Convolution Neural Network for Automatic Flower Recognition
This paper discusses how to efficiently recognize flowers based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) using multiple features. Our proposed work consists of three phases including segmentation by Otsu thresholding with particle swarm optimization algorithms, feature extraction of color, shape, texture and recognition with the LeNet-5 neural network. In the feature extraction, an improved H component with the definition of WGB value is applied to extract the color feature, and a new algorithm based on local binary pattern (LBP) is proposed to enhance the accuracy of texture extraction. Besides this, we replace ReLU with Mish as activation function in the network design, and therefore increase the accuracy by 8% accuracy according to our comparison. The Oxford-102 and Oxford-17 datasets are adopted for benchmarking. The experimental results show that the combination of color features and texture features generates the highest recognition accuracy as 92.56% on Oxford-102 and 93% on Oxford-17.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Tongquan Wei.