Antimonotonicity, Chaos and Multiple Attractors in a Novel Autonomous Jerk Circuit
We perform a systematic analysis of a system consisting of a novel jerk circuit obtained by replacing the single semiconductor diode of the original jerk circuit described in [Sprott, 2011a] with a pair of semiconductor diodes connected in antiparallel. The model is described by a continuous time three-dimensional autonomous system with hyperbolic sine nonlinearity, and may be viewed as a control system with nonlinear velocity feedback. The stability of the (unique) fixed point, the local bifurcations, and the discrete symmetries of the model equations are discussed. The complex behavior of the system is categorized in terms of its parameters by using bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponents, time series, Poincaré sections, and basins of attraction. Antimonotonicity, period doubling bifurcation, symmetry restoring crises, chaos, and coexisting bifurcations are reported. More interestingly, one of the key contributions of this work is the finding of various regions in the parameters’ space in which the proposed (“elegant”) jerk circuit experiences the unusual phenomenon of multiple competing attractors (i.e. coexistence of four disconnected periodic and chaotic attractors). The basins of attraction of various coexisting attractors display complexity (i.e. fractal basins boundaries), thus suggesting possible jumps between coexisting attractors in experiment. Results of theoretical analyses are perfectly traced by laboratory experimental measurements. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the jerk circuit/system introduced in this work represents the simplest electrical circuit (only a quadruple op amplifier chip without any analog multiplier chip) reported to date capable of four disconnected periodic and chaotic attractors for the same parameters setting.