Explaining Taiwan’s Cybersecurity Policy Prior to 2016: Effects of Norms and Identities
This paper implements a constructivist approach from the discipline of International Relations (IR) to investigate the interplay between international politics and cyberspace, and explains why the Taiwanese government has been relatively slow to exploit cyber warfare for national-defense purposes prior to 2016. While this paper acknowledges the technology determinist’s argument that new technology can set the direction of politics, developments in Taiwan have brought to our attention a different perspective, which is that politics can still shape the future direction and use of technology. This analysis enables us to understand, through the case of Taiwan, how politics trumps both technical decisions and the overall direction of technology. Looking closely at the case of Taiwan’s cybersecurity contributes to the broader IR literature concerning the effects of norms and identities, and extends policy analysis to the domain of cyberspace. It establishes a dialogue between the IR literature and Cybersecurity Studies, and reduces the knowledge gap in understanding Taiwan’s security policy.