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  • articleFree Access

    Symbolic powers in weighted oriented graphs

    Let D be a weighted oriented graph with the underlying graph G when vertices with non-trivial weights are sinks and I(D),I(G) be the edge ideals corresponding to D and G, respectively. We give an explicit description of the symbolic powers of I(D) using the concept of strong vertex covers. We show that the ordinary and symbolic powers of I(D) and I(G) behave in a similar way. We provide a description for symbolic powers and Waldschmidt constant of I(D) for certain classes of weighted oriented graphs. When D is a weighted oriented odd cycle, we compute reg(I(D)(s)/I(D)s) and prove regI(D)(s)regI(D)s and show that equality holds when there is only one vertex with non-trivial weight.

  • articleNo Access

    Waldschmidt constants for Stanley–Reisner ideals of a class of simplicial complexes

    We study the symbolic powers of the Stanley–Reisner ideal IBn of a bipyramid Bn over a n-gon Qn. Using a combinatorial approach, based on analysis of subtrees in Qn we compute the Waldschmidt constant of IBn.

  • articleNo Access

    Invariants of the symbolic powers of edge ideals

    Let G be a graph and I=I(G) be its edge ideal. When G is the clique sum of two different length odd cycles joined at single vertex then we give an explicit description of the symbolic powers of I and compute the Waldschmidt constant. When G is complete graph then we describe the generators of the symbolic powers of I and compute the Waldschmidt constant and the resurgence of I. Moreover for complete graph we prove that the Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of the symbolic powers and ordinary powers of the edge ideal coincide.

  • articleNo Access

    On the configurations of codimension two linear subspaces of N with the Waldschmidt constant less than 2

    The purpose of this note is to generalize a result of [M. Dumnicki, T. Szemberg and H. Tutaj-Gasińska, Symbolic powers of planar point configurations II, J. Pure Appl. Alg.220 (2016) 2001–2016] to higher-dimensional projective spaces and classify all configurations of (N2)-planes Z in N with the Waldschmidt constants less than two. We also determine some numerical and algebraic invariants of the defining ideals I(Z) of these classes of configurations, i.e. the resurgence, the minimal free resolution and the regularity of I(Z), as well as the Hilbert function of Z.

  • articleNo Access

    Symbolic power decompositions of disjoint cycle graphs

    In this paper, we study the connection between the odd cycles of a finite, simple graph G and the symbolic powers of its edge ideal. When the odd cycles of G are disjoint, we give a decomposition of the symbolic powers of the edge ideal based on the number and size of the odd cycles of G. This shows that the symbolic powers of the edge ideal are completely dependent on the odd cycles of G.

  • articleNo Access

    Containment Problem for Quasi Star Configurations of Points in ℙ2

    In this paper, the containment problem for the defining ideal of a special type of zero-dimensional subscheme of ℙ2, the so-called quasi star configuration, is investigated. Some sharp bounds for the resurgence of these types of ideals are given. As an application of this result, for every real number 0<ε<12, we construct an infinite family of homogeneous radical ideals of points in 𝕂[ℙ2] such that their resurgences lie in the interval [2−ε, 2). Moreover, the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of all ordinary powers of defining ideal of quasi star configurations are determined. In particular, it is shown that all of these ordinary powers have a linear resolution.