Reidemeister moves and groups
Recently, the author discovered an interesting class of knot-like objects called free knots. These purely combinatorial objects are equivalence classes of Gauss diagrams modulo Reidemeister moves (the same notion in the language of words was introduced by Turaev [Topology of words, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc.95(3) (2007) 360–412], who thought all free knots to be trivial). As it turned out, these new objects are highly nontrivial, see [V. O. Manturov, Parity in knot theory, Mat. Sb.201(5) (2010) 65–110], and even admit nontrivial cobordism classes [V. O. Manturov, Parity and cobordisms of free knots, Mat. Sb.203(2) (2012) 45–76]. An important issue is the existence of invariants where a diagram evaluates to itself which makes such objects "similar" to free groups: An element has its minimal representative which "lives inside" any representative equivalent to it. In this paper, we consider generalizations of free knots by means of (finitely presented) groups. These new objects have lots of nontrivial properties coming from both knot theory and group theory. This connection allows one not only to apply group theory to various problems in knot theory but also to apply Reidemeister moves to the study of (finitely presented) groups. Groups appear naturally in this setting when graphs are embedded in surfaces.