In this paper, we give a definition of ℤ-valued functions from the ambient isotopy classes of spherical/plane curves derived from chord diagrams, denoted by ∑iαixi. Then, we introduce certain elements of the free ℤ-module generated by the chord diagrams with at most l chords, called relators of Type (I) ((SII), (WII), (SIII), or (WIII), respectively), and introduce another function ∑iαi˜xi derived from ∑iαixi. The main result (Theorem 1) shows that if ∑iαi˜xi vanishes for the relators of Type (I) ((SII), (WII), (SIII), or (WIII), respectively), then ∑iαixi is invariant under the Reidemeister move of type RI (strong RII, weak RII, strong RIII, or weak RIII, respectively) that is defined in [N. Ito and Y. Takimura, (1,2) and weak (1,3) homotopies on knot projections, J. Knot Theory Ramifications22 (2013) 1350085 14 pp].