A panorama of viable F(R) gravity dark energy models
In this work, we shall study the late-time dynamics of several F(R) gravity models. By appropriately expressing the field equations in terms of the redshift and of a statefinder function, we shall solve numerically the field equations using appropriate physical motivated initial conditions. We consider models which, by construction, are described by a nearly R2-model at early epochs and we fine tune the parameters to achieve viability and compatibility with the latest Planck constraints at late times. Such models provide a unified description of inflation and dark energy era and notably a common feature of all the models is the presence of dark energy oscillations. Furthermore, we show that, in contrast to general relativistic fluids and scalar field descriptions, a large spectrum of different dark energy physics is generated by simple F(R) gravity models, varying from phantom, to nearly de Sitter and to quintessential dark energy eras.
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