Dark energy nature in logarithmic f(R,T) cosmology
This research paper is an investigation of dark energy nature of logarithmic f(R,T)-gravity cosmology in a flat FLRW space–time universe. We have derived modified Einstein’s field equations for the function f(R,T)=R−16πGαln(T) where R is the Ricci scalar curvature, T is the trace of the stress energy momentum tensor, and α is a model parameter. We have solved field equations in the form of two fluid scenarios as perfect fluid and dark fluid, where dark fluid term is derived in the form of perfect fluid source. We have made an observational constraint on the cosmological parameters Ω(m),ω(de) and H0 using χ2 test with observational datasets like Pantheon sample of SNe Ia and H(z). With these constraints, we have discussed our model with deceleration parameter q, energy parameters Ω(m),Ω(de), EoS parameter ω(de), etc. Also, we have done Om diagnostic analysis. The derived f(R,T) model shows a quintessence dark energy model ω(de)>−1 and late-time universe approaches to Λ CDM model.