A Protocol for Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Distal Radius Fractures Using Sensorimotor Input: A Case Series
Background: Proprioception and sensorimotor input are used to treat neurological and joint injuries. Following distal radius fractures (DRF) there is a temporary loss of proprioception that should be addressed. We created a protocol for evaluation, and a treatment plan following wrist surgery that is based on proprioceptive and sensorimotor input. We describe a series of patients undergoing surgery for DRF that were evaluated and treated with these protocols.
Methods: Both evaluation and treatment protocols included comprehensive sensorimotor procedures performed with eyes open and closed. These included Semmes- Weinstein, static and moving 2-point discrimination, vibration, temperature testing, Moberg pick-up- test, stereognosis and proprioception.
Results: A series of twelve patients was evaluated and treated with the protocol following surgical treatment for DRF. Patients demonstrated significant sensorimotor deficits, which improved utilizing the comprehensive sensorimotor treatment protocol.
Conclusions: Further study is necessary to validate the results of this pilot series. Use of proprioception and sensorimotor input may improve outcomes of rehabilitation following DRF.