A generalization of Muraki's notion of monotonic independence onto the case of partially ordered index set is given: algebras indexed by chains are monotonically independent, and algebras indexed by non-comparable elements are boolean independent. Examples of central limit theorem are shown in two cases. For the integral-points lattices ℕd the moments of the limit measure are related to the combinatorics of the finite heap-ordered labelled rooted trees (if d = 2). For the integral-points lattice ℕ × ℤd in Minkowski spacetime the limit measure is given by the recurrence of it's moments, which, for the case d = 1 is related to the inverse error function. Various formulas for computing mixed moments are shown to be related to the boolean-monotonic non-crossing pair partitions.
Research partially supported by KBN grant 2P03A00723, by the EU Research Training Network "QP-Applications", contract HPRN-CT-2002-00279 and by the European Commission Marie Curie Host Fellowship for the Transfer of Knowledge "Harmonic Analysis, Nonlinear Analysis and Probability" MTKD-CT-2004-013389.