SINGAPORE – A New Way of Looking at Cancer
SINGAPORE – Novel Discovery by NUS Scientists Improves Profiling of AML Patients for Targeted Therapies
SINGAPORE – Red Meat Consumption Linked with Increased Risk of Developing Kidney Failure
SINGAPORE – Thomson Medical and UK-based Cell Therapy Limited Collaborate on Stem Cell Research to Develop Regenerative Medicines
UNITED STATES – New Biomaterial Developed for Injectable Neuronal Control
UNITED STATES – Research Shines Light on Lesser Known Form of Vitamin D in Foods
UNITED STATES – MRIGlobal to Lead International Research Collaboration for Tularemia Vaccine
INDIA – Improving Agricultural Yield and Quality through Tissue Culture Technology
TAIWAN – A Cascade of Protein Aggregation Bombards Mitochondria for Neurodegeneration and Apoptosis under WWOX Deficiency
- Spread of cancer
- malignant cells
- tumor
- circulating cell clusters
- colorectal cancer
- treatment
- innovation
- public-private collaboration
- Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
- marker
- chemotherapy response
- targeted therapy
- blood cancer
- mutation
- red meat
- kidney failure
- protein
- kidney health
- stem cell research and development
- regenerative
- injectable
- implantable
- medical devices
- inflammation
- nanoscale sponge
- silicon
- nano-casting
- nanoscience
- vitamin D
- bone health
- food
- nutrient data
- tularemia vaccine
- immunity
- plant tissue culture
- agriculture
- biotechnology
- innovation
- agricultural production
- food security
- mitochondria
- protein aggregation
- neurodegeneration
- apoptosis
- WWOX gene deficiency
- neurons
- cascade