Nobel Laureate Cooperates with Infinitus to Explore the Potential Roles of TCM in Immune Regulation.
XW Labs Announces Exclusive Licensing Agreement with University of Pittsburgh to Develop Novel Mitochondria-Targeting Compounds.
Genetically-Engineered Malaria Vaccine May be Used in Liver Cancer Immunotherapy.
Magellan Diagnostics and PDXWildlife Partner to Identify Lead Exposure in Giant Pandas.
China Able to Detect 300 Known Pathogens within 72 Hours.
BioVentrix Announces the 1st Revivent TC™ TransCatheter Commercial Procedure to Treat Ischemic Cardiomyopathy in China.
New Superbug Could Be Epidemic.
Functional Circuits Regulate Activity of Serotonergic Neurons.
SERS Helps to Evaluate DHA Effect on Cancer Cells.
China Building World’s Largest Multifunctional Nano Research Facility.
Chinese Researchers Reveal a New Antiviral Defense Mechanism in Rice.
- TCM ,
- Nobel laureate ,
- Chinese herbal ,
- immune ,
- Infinitus ,
- licensing agreement ,
- mitochondria ,
- liver cancer ,
- immunotherapy ,
- malaria ,
- vaccine ,
- lead ,
- giant pandas ,
- bamboo ,
- China ,
- pathogens ,
- communicable diseases ,
- heart failure ,
- ischemic ,
- cardiomyopathy ,
- superbug ,
- epidemic ,
- antibiotics ,
- bacteria ,
- serotonergic neurons ,
- brain ,
- SERS ,
- DHA effect ,
- cancer cells ,
- microfluidic chip ,
- nanoparticles ,
- nano ,
- multifunctional ,
- research ,
- technology ,
- rice stripe virus (RSV) ,
- rice ,
- antiviral defense