State-of-the-Art of Vehicle-Based Methods for Detecting Various Properties of Highway Bridges and Railway Tracks
The vehicle scanning method (VSM), an indirect approach for bridge measurement, has attracted intensive attention since it was proposed. By this method, a moving test vehicle is employed to detect the “mechanical” properties of the bridge, e.g. frequencies, mode shapes, damages, etc., utilizing the interaction between the two substructures. Compared with the conventional direct approach that requires quite a few sensors and data loggers to be fitted on the bridge, the advantage of the VSM is obvious: mobility, economy, and efficiency. As for railways, the broader vehicle-based techniques have long been used to detect the “geometrical” properties of the track, such as track profiles and rail conditions. Relatively little use has been made of the interaction between the moving vehicle/train and the track/bridge. This paper is a state-of-the-art report of the VSM’s applications to highway bridges and the vehicle-based techniques to railway tracks. It starts with a summary of the pioneering works by Yang and co-workers on the VSM. Then, the applications of the techniques to highway bridges and railway tracks will be separately reviewed. Conclusions will be made, along with future research directions, at the end of the paper.
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