From grids to pseudo-grids of lines: Resolution and seminormality
Over an infinite field K, we investigate the minimal free resolution of some configurations of lines. We explicitly describe the minimal free resolution of complete grids of lines and obtain an analogous result about the so-called complete pseudo-grids. Moreover, we characterize the total Betti numbers of configurations that are obtained posing a multiplicity condition on the lines of either a complete grid or a complete pseudo-grid. Finally, we analyze when a complete pseudo-grid is seminormal, differently from a complete grid. The main tools that have been involved in our study are the mapping cone procedure and properties of liftings, of pseudo-liftings and of weighted ideals. Although complete grids and pseudo-grids are hypersurface configurations and many results about such type of configurations have already been stated in literature, we give new contributions, in particular about the maps of the resolution.
Communicated by E. Gorla