On the schematicness of some Ore polynomials of higher order generated by homogenous quadratic relations
In this paper, we investigate the property of schematicness introduced by Van Oystaeyen and Willaert [F. Van Oystaeyen and L. Willaert, Grothendieck topology, coherent sheaves and Serre’s theorem for schematic algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra104(1–3) (1995) 109–122] in the setting of skew Ore polynomials of higher order generated by homogenous quadratic relations defined by Golovashkin and Maksimov [A. V. Golovashkin and V. M. Maksimov, Skew Ore polynomials of higher orders generated by homogeneous quadratic relations, Russian Math. Surveys53(2) (1998) 384–386]. We establish sufficient conditions to guarantee whether some of these algebras are schematic or not.
Communicated by André Leroy
Dedicated to the memory of Professor V. A. Artamonov