Let 𝔽 denote a field with char𝔽≠2. The Racah algebra ℜ is the unital associative 𝔽-algebra defined by generators and relations in the following way. The generators are A, B, C, D. The relations assert that
and each of the elements α=[A,D]+AC−BA,β=[B,D]+BA−CB,γ=[C,D]+CB−AC
is central in ℜ. Additionally, the element δ=A+B+C is central in ℜ. We call each element in D2+A2+B2+(δ+2){A,B}−{A2,B}−{A,B2}2+A(β−δ)+B(δ−α)+ℭ
a Casimir element of ℜ, where ℭ is the commutative subalgebra of ℜ generated by α, β, γ, δ. The main results of this paper are as follows. Each of the following distinct elements is a Casimir element of ℜ: ΩA=D2+BAC+CAB2+A2+Bγ−Cβ−Aδ,
The set {ΩA,ΩB,ΩC} is invariant under a faithful D6-action on ℜ. Moreover, we show that any Casimir element Ω is algebraically independent over ℭ; if char𝔽=0, then the center of ℜ is ℭ[Ω].