Effects of Microwave Absorption on Long and Short Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes at 10-6 Torr
Carbon nanotubes have been observed to emit ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation when exposed to microwaves. We have performed experiments in which both short (0.5 μm–2 μm) and long (5 μm–30 μm) single and double-walled carbon nanotubes were exposed to 2.46 GHz microwaves at a pressure of ~ 10-6 Torr. Structural modifications of the carbon nanotubes due to microwave absorption have been studied using the Raman spectroscopy G-band and D-band intensities, which suggest that microwave irradiation at relatively low pressure results in an increase in nanotube defects, especially in the case of the long nanotubes. Furthermore, a comparison of the spectra of the radiation emitted from the nanotubes suggests that the longer nanotubes emitted radiation of much greater intensity than the shorter nanotubes. Based on the results of the experiments and results described in previous reports, the ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation emitted as the result of microwave absorption by carbon nanotubes seems to be primarily blackbody radiation emitted due to Joule heating. However, the presence of several broad photopeaks in the spectra of the emitted radiation (which do not seem to be related to gases absorbed by the nanotubes or the presence of catalyst particles) suggest that emissions are not the result of Joule heating alone.