Archaea, bacteria and eukaryotes represent the main kingdoms of life. Is there any trend for amino acid compositions of proteins found in full genomes of species of different kingdoms? What is the percentage of totally unstructured proteins in various proteomes? We obtained amino acid frequencies for different taxa using 195 known proteomes and all annotated sequences from the Swiss–Prot data base. Investigation of the two data bases (proteomes and Swiss–Prot) shows that the amino acid compositions of proteins differ substantially for different kingdoms of life, and this difference is larger between different proteomes than between different kingdoms of life. Our data demonstrate that there is a surprisingly small selection for the amino acid composition of proteins for higher organisms (eukaryotes) and their viruses in comparison with the "random" frequency following from a uniform usage of codons of the universal genetic code. On the contrary, lower organisms (bacteria and especially archaea) demonstrate an enhanced selection of amino acids. Moreover, according to our estimates, 12%, 3% and 2% of the proteins in eukaryotic, bacterial and archaean proteomes are totally disordered, and long (> 41 residues) disordered segments are found to occur in 16% of arhaean, 20% of eubacterial and 43% of eukaryotic proteins for 19 archaean, 159 bacterial and 17 eukaryotic proteomes, respectively. A correlation between amino acid compositions of proteins of various taxa, show that the highest correlation is observed between eukaryotes and their viruses (the correlation coefficient is 0.98), and bacteria and their viruses (the correlation coefficient is 0.96), while correlation between eukaryotes and archaea is 0.85 only.