Learning long- and short-term dependencies for improving drug-target binding affinity prediction using transformer and edge contraction pooling
Min Gao, Shaohua Jiang, Weibin Ding, Ting Xu, and Zhijian Lyu
Integrating pharmacophore model and deep learning for activity prediction of molecules with BRCA1 gene
Seloua Hadiby and Yamina Mohamed Ben Ali
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Identification of a seven autophagy-related gene pairs signature for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer using the RankComp algorithm
Qi-Shi Song, Hai-Jun Wu, Qian Lin, and Yu-Kai Tang
Testing and improving the performance of protein thermostability predictors for the engineering of cellulases
Anna Dotsenko, Jury Denisenko, Dmitrii Osipov, Aleksandra Rozhkova, Ivan Zorov, and Arkady Sinitsyn
A model-based clustering algorithm with covariates adjustment and its application to lung cancer stratification
Carlos E. M. Relvas, Asuka Nakata, Guoan Chen, David G. Beer, Noriko Gotoh, and Andre Fujita
Evaluating network-based missing protein prediction using p-values, Bayes Factors, and probabilities
Wilson Wen Bin Goh, Weijia Kong, and Limsoon Wong
NuKit: A deep learning platform for fast nucleus segmentation of histopathological images
Ching-Nung Lin, Christine H. Chung, and Aik Choon Tan
Gene expression analysis reveals a pitfall in the molecular research of prostate tumors relevant to Gleason score
Wensheng Zhang, Yan Dong and Kun Zhang
An innovative method for the selection of inhibitors of the viral spike-glycoprotein of the SARS-CoV
T. V. Koshlan and K. G. Kulikov
Genetic algorithm applied to simultaneous parameter estimation in bacterial growth
Hector A. Pedrozo, Andrea M. Dallagnol and Carlos E. Schvezov
RMI-DBG algorithm: A more agile iterative de Bruijn graph algorithm in short read genome assembly
Zeinab Zare Hosseini, Shekoufeh Kolahdouz Rahimi, Esmaeil Forouzan and Ahmad Baraani
Structural bioinformatics survey on disease-inducing missense mutations
Pietro Bongini, Simone Gardini, Monica Bianchini, Ottavia Spiga and Neri Niccolai
Distance matrices for nitrogenous bases and amino acids of SARS-CoV-2 via structural metric
Ray-Ming Chen