Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not under consideration for publication with other journals. All contributions should be written in English with a brief abstract, a list of keywords and the author's mailing address. Authors are requested to put on the manuscript the mailing address to which proofs and reprint order form should be sent. All contributions will be reviewed by at least two independent experts.
New Authors: If you are submitting via this new system for the first time, you will first be required to register. From the account you create, you will be able to monitor your submission and make subsequent submissions.
Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) are assumed to have transferred the copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information. A biographical sketch and photograph of each author are also to be supplied to the Publisher.
Detailed instructions on how to prepare your manuscript are available at readme / Download. The downloaded package contains stylefiles for Latex2e. Authors using PC- or Mac-based word-processors should follow the PDF formatting instructions in the package. Any manuscript which does not conform to the above instructions may be returned to authors for revision before publication. Upon acceptance, authors are required to submit their source file including ps or eps files for figures.
The corresponding author of every published article will be provided with a complimentary PDF of the published paper.
Recommended Article Length
Category | Free Reformatted Page |
Research Paper | 15 |
Critical Comments | 10 |
Survey / Reviews | 15 |
Tutorial Papers | 30 |
In silico studies (open access) | 0 |
Please note that US$40 per reformatted page will be charged for any article exceeding the recommended length.
Articles in Ïn silico studies” category will only be considered for open access publication. Article Processing Charge is charged to make an article in open access publication.
Illustrations and Images
Please prepare all line drawings, halftones (gray scale) and color illustrations in high resolution.
The Requirements
Contributors have to pay the following additional cost:
Contributors can also opt to have the electronic version in color while the print version in black and white. No color charge will be incurred in this case.
Billing address and contact numbers, together with the manuscripts, should be provided during submission. Please indicate illustrations that are designated for color print.
Publication Frequency
The journal is published bimonthly. It is expected that a large number of established universities, national laboratories, and some government security and intelligence organizations will subscribe to the journal. The subscription rate is expected to increase as the awareness of the importance of bioinformatics and computational biology rapidly increases.
The Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology will be featured as a periodic journal with six issues each year. To ensure the high standard of this journal in the international academic and industrial communities, there is one editorial board for the management. The members of the editorial board are all active researchers representing different countries and regions, which will be responsible for the publicity of the journal and paper review.
Archiving of articles in PubMed Central
If your research is funded by NIH, you can submit the final accepted version of your manuscript (author version) to Pubmed Central. You can submit your manuscript immediately after the acceptance of the paper. If you prefer to archive the final published version, please note that there is a 12-month embargo unless the paper is published as a fully open access article. World Scientific can upload the final published version of the article on behalf of the authors. If you require this service, please let the production editor know and provide the following information: the name and contact email of the grantee and the NIH grant number.
Please fax the completed form to 65-6-467-7667 (Attention: JBCB in-house Editor)
Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in:
It is mandatory for corresponding authors to provide their ORCID iDs in order to submit papers to this journal. ORCID iD is a unique identifier that helps in distinguishing you from other researchers with the same name and ensures that your research is attributed to you correctly. We encourage all authors to create their own ORCID iD and to include it in the manuscript before submission.