Dynamics of tripartite quantum correlations in mixed classical environments: The joint effects of the random telegraph and static noises
In the present paper, the joint effects of two kinds of classical environmental noises, without direct interaction among each other, on the dynamics of quantum correlations (QCs) of a three-qubit system coupled in independent environments is investigated. More precisely, we join the random telegraph noise (RTN) and the static noise (SN) and focus on the dynamics of entanglement and quantum discord (QD) when the qubits are initially prepared in the GHZ- and W-type states. The overall noise affecting the qubits is obtained by combining the RTN and SN in two different setups. The results show that the disorder of the environmental noise as well as its memory qualities and the purity of the initial state considered play a crucial role in the time evolution of the system in such a way that the dynamics of QCs can be controlled by varying them. In fact, we show that, depending on the initial state and noise regime considered, the rate of collapse of QCs may either decrease or increase with the increase of the degree of disorder of the SN, the switching rate of the RTN and the purity of the initial state.