In intelligent vehicle system, it is significant to detect and identify road markings for vehicles to follow traffic regulation. This paper proposes a method to recognize direction markings on road surface, which is on the basis of detected lanes and uses Hu moments. First of all, the detection of lanes is based on horizontal luminance difference, which converts the RGB color image to the luminance image, calculates the horizontal luminance difference, obtains the candidate points of lanes' edge and uses least square method to fit the lanes. Secondly, with the detected lines as guide for the search of candidate marking, the paper extracts Hu moments of candidate marking, calculates its Mahalanobis distance to every marking type and classifies it to the type which has the minimal distance with the candidate marking. From the simulation results, the method to detect lanes is more effective and time-efficient than canny or sobel edge detection methods; the method to recognize direction marking is effective and has a high accuracy.