Model of hybrid star with baryonic and strange quark matter in Tolman–Kuchowicz spacetime
The purpose of our work is to investigate some new features of a static anisotropic relativistic hybrid compact star composed of strange quark matter (SQM) in the inner core and normal baryonic matter distribution in the crust. Here we apply the simplest form of the phenomenological MIT bag model equation of state pq=13(ρq−4Bg)pq=13(ρq−4Bg) to correlate the density and pressure of strange quark matter within the stellar interior, whereas radial pressure and matter density due to baryonic matter are connected by the simple linear equation of state pr=αρ−βpr=αρ−β. In order to obtain the solution of the Einstein field equations, we have used the Tolman–Kuchowicz ansatz [R. C. Tolman, Static solutions of Einstein’s field equations for spheres of fluid, Phys. Rev.55 (1939) 364–373; B. Kuchowicz, Acta Phys. Pol.33 (1968) 541] and further derivation of the arbitrary constants from some physical conditions. Here, we examine our proposed model graphically and analytically in detail for physically plausible conditions. In particular, for this investigation, we have reported on the compact object Her X−1X−1 [Mass=(0.98±0.12)M⊙Mass=(0.98±0.12)M⊙; Radius=8.1+0.41−0.41Radius=8.1+0.41−0.41 km] in our paper as a strange quark star candidate. In order to check the physical validity and stability of our suggested model, we have performed various physical tests both analytically and graphically, namely, dynamical equilibrium of applied forces, energy conditions, compactness factor and surface redshift. Finally, we have found that our present model meets all the necessary physical requirements for a realistic model and can be studied for strange quark stars (SQS).