Tsallis holographic dark energy scenario in viscous f(Q) gravity with tachyon field
This study investigates a bulk viscous fluid anisotropic cosmological model with f(Q) gravity. Here, Q stands for the nonmetricity factor that drives gravitational interaction. We reconstructed the associated parameters with Tsallis holographic dark energy (THDE). We have solved the modified Einstein’s field equations by considering the bulk viscosity factor ξ=ξ0+ξ1H+ξ2(Ḣ+H2). Under the viscous and nonviscous THDE frameworks, we have obtained the expressions of f(Q) using the power-law form of expansion. We have investigated the nature of various energy conditions for the stability analysis. The positive behavior of DEC and WEC indicates the model’s validation; on the other hand, SEC is violating, indicating the universe’s accelerated expansion. We have also investigated the reconstructed EoS parameter ωrec,T for bulk viscosity and obtained the one that lies in both quintessence and phantom regions. We also discussed the correspondence of the tachyon scalar field with THDE energy density in f(Q) gravity. This correspondence permits the reconstruction of potentials and dynamics for scalar field models describing accelerated expansion.