The motivation of this paper is to study the bulk viscosity effect in Ricci dark energy (RDE) model within the framework of modified f(R, T) gravity, where R is the Ricci scalar and T is the trace of the energy–momentum tensor. As most studies assume that the universe is filled with a perfect fluid, viscosity is expected to present at least during some stages, especially in the early stage of the evolution of the universe but it could still become significant in the future. We assume the universe is filled with viscous RDE and pressureless dark matter. We consider the total bulk viscous coefficient is in the form of ζ=ζ0+ζ1H, where ζ0 and ζ1 are the constants. We obtain the solutions to the modified field equations by assuming a form f(R, T) = R+λT, where λ is a constant. We find the scale factor and deceleration parameter, and classify all possible evolutions of the universe. We briefly discuss the future finite-time singularity and show that the Big Rip singularity appears in viscous RDE model. We investigate two geometrical diagnostics, statefinder parameter and Om to analyze the dynamics of evolution of the universe. The trajectories of statefinder parameter reveal that the model behaves like quintessence for small ζ, and for large ζ it shows the Chaplygin gas-like. However, in late time both the models approach ΛCDM. The model shows a transition from decelerated phase to accelerated phase. Similarly, the Om analysis reveals that the model behaves like quintessence for small ζ and phantom-like for large ζ. We extend our study to analyze the time evolution of the total entropy and generalized second law of thermodynamics of viscous RDE model in f(R, T) theory inside the apparent horizon. Our study shows that the generalized second law of thermodynamics always preserves in viscous RDE model in a region enclosed by the apparent horizon under the suitable constraints of viscous coefficients.