Identities with Generalized Derivations on Prime Rings and Banach Algebras
Let R be a prime ring, U the Utumi quotient ring of R, C = Z(U) the extended centroid of R, L a non-central Lie ideal of R, and H, G nonzero generalized derivations of R. Suppose that there exists an integer n ≥ 1 such that H(un)un + unG(un) ∈ C for all u ∈ L, then either there exists a ∈ U such that H(x) = xa and G(x) = -ax, or R satisfies the standard identity s4 and one of the following holds: (i) char(R) = 2; (ii) n is even and there exist a′ ∈ U, α ∈ C and derivations d, δ of R such that H(x) = a′ x + d(x) and G(x) = (α-a′)x + δ(x); (iii) n is even and there exist a′ ∈ U and a derivation δ of R such that H(x)=xa′ and G(x) = -a′ x + δ(x); (iv) n is odd and there exist a′, b′ ∈ U and α, β ∈ C such that H(x) = a′ x + x(β-b′) and G(x) = b′ x+x(α-a′); (v) n is odd and there exist α, β ∈ C and a derivation d of R such that H(x) = α x+d(x) and G(x) = β x + d(x); (vi) n is odd and there exist a′ ∈ U and α ∈ C such that H(x) = xa′ and G(x) = (α - a′)x. As an application of this purely algebraic result, we obtain some range inclusion results of continuous or spectrally bounded generalized derivations H and G on Banach algebras R satisfying the condition H(xn)xn + xnG(xn) ∈ rad(R) for all x ∈ R, where rad(R) is the Jacobson radical of R.